Are Your Friends Emotionally Draining You? (2024)

Most people need an outlet to vent about the challenges they are dealing with in life, and knowing you have someone you can turn to in times of trouble can be comforting. But sometimes, one person does all the comforting while the other does all the venting.

Displaying empathy and compassion for others is not a bad thing. However, it could get a little overwhelming if you find that you are always the shoulder to cry on. If your friend doesn't reciprocate by being there for you, it can quickly weigh you down mentally, emotionally, and sometimes even physically.

Emotional draining can leave you feeling like you are shouldering another person's problems and absorbing their stress (while getting nothing in return). These mentally draining situations will eventually wear you out.

Here's what you need to know about emotionally draining friends and how to stay mentally healthy in the midst of this type of relationship.

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Signs of Emotionally Draining Friendships

People who are surrounded by drama, constantly complaining, or are an emotional wreck may be all around you. They are the ones who seem to suck the energy out of you and leave you feeling emotionally drained anytime you talk on the phone or spend time together.

Some people know right away who these people are in their lives. But, if you're not sure if you have a mentally draining friend, check out this list of signs. You should look for clues in your own responses as well as your friend's behaviors.

What You Might Experience

When identifying an emotionally draining friend, it's essential to look at how you respond when you talk to that friend or spend time together. It could be that the friendship may be taking a toll on your mental health. Here are some telltale signs that your friend may be mentally draining.

  • Your relationship or friendship is emotionally or physically exhausting, and you experience anxiety, fatigue, or frustration when you talk or hang out with your friend.
  • You regularly make sacrifices to make sure your friend's needs are met.
  • You worry about their issues more than you do about your own well-being.
  • Your positive feelings for them are starting to disappear.
  • You can't be yourself around them, or you censor your thoughts and feelings.
  • You don't get a chance to ask for their advice or support.
  • You no longer enjoy spending time with them or dread talking with them.

Eventually, you may find that your friendship is interfering with other areas of your life, or you're changing your life to accommodate them.

Emotionally Draining Behaviors

Maybe your friend just seems to have more issues than others. Or perhaps your friend is going through a particularly rough patch in their life and doesn't seem to be handling it well. Regardless of the reason, if you notice any of these signs in your friend, you may want to pause and consider whether or not this is a healthy friendship.

  • Your friend vents to you nonstop or seems to always be in crisis.
  • Your friend never asks how you're doing, takes an interest in your life, or listens when you need to vent.
  • Your friend has an endless list of needs and expectations.
  • Your friend's problems are always bigger, worse, or more extreme than yours.
  • Your friend uses guilt and manipulation when you're not there for them.
  • Your friend is rarely happy for you and often struggles with envy and jealousy.
  • Your friend wants all the attention and monopolizes the conversation.
  • Your friend doesn't know how to move on or let things go.
  • Your friend has low self-esteem, needs constant reassurance, and lacks self-awareness.
  • Your friend never thanks you for being there for them.


Ultimately, you will be left feeling that you are always help your friend while they offer little to nothing in return.

What to Do

Having empathy and compassion are incredible gifts and skills to have, but sometimes they can lead people to take advantage of your kindness and generosity. If that happens to you on a consistent basis, it can be particularly draining—especially if you are a highly sensitive person that tends to absorb the feelings and stresses of other people.

No friendship is worth compromising your mental health or well-being. That said, you may not want to completely end the friendship either, especially if your friend's struggles are temporary. But it is important to protect yourself emotionally.

Here are some tips for what to do if you have emotionally draining friends.

Refrain From Fixing

People need understanding and to know that you are there for them. That understanding can take many forms—it can mean a hug, an offer to grab coffee or lunch, calling or texting to check-in, and supporting your friend with care and concern.

It does not mean solving their problems for them, playing therapist, dropping everything for them, or taking over things they should do for themselves.

No matter how much you want to help or think that you might be able to do something, you need to avoid rushing in to rescue them. Chronically unhappy or dramatic people will likely resent your efforts or come up with new issues that need "fixed."

Your best strategy is to be supportive but to put the responsibility back on their shoulders. You can even say something like, "You're a smart person. I am confident you will figure this out and come out stronger than ever."

Offer an Alternative

While it's tempting for a friend to rely solely on another for support and advice, this expectation is often too much responsibility for one person. Suggest that they talk to their doctor or mental health professional if your friend:

  • Repeatedly comes to you for advice
  • Has anxiety issue
  • Has signs of depression,

While it's admirable that you want to be a good listener and a compassionate friend, if your friend is dealing with deep emotional pain, the best thing they can do is seek the advice of a professional.

Friends can provide comfort and support, but they are not meant to be counselors. Make sure you don't try to take on a role you're not qualified for. Being a true friend is about connecting your friend to resources they need.

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Empower Your Friend

Keep the focus of the conversation on your friend's needs and what they think might work to solve the problem. While there is nothing wrong with offering advice, ultimately, they need to devise a plan on how to address the issues in their life.

For friends that keep coming to you with the same issue, remind them that although you are there for them, you don't feel like you are much help since they keep complaining about the same thing.

Ask them what they think would make things better. The key is opening up the conversation so that they realize they are stuck in the same place and need to think about the next step.

Know Your Limits

It's important that you know what your limits are. Ask yourself how much time and energy you really have to do devote to this friend. This acknowledgment isn't about being insensitive or selfish. Instead, it's about recognizing your self-worth, your limits, and your priorities.

You can still be a good friend without sacrificing your life in the process. A strong sense of self-worth coupled with healthy limitations helps you prevent imbalances in relationships. Plus, you owe it to yourself to practice good self-care.

Establish Boundaries

Once you have recognized that your friend is mentally draining, you must limit the amount of time that you spend together. After all, your own mental health depends on it. If you don't want to end the relationship, or if it's a coworker or family member, you need to establish firm boundaries.

For example, if your friend calls late at night, don't answer the phone, or if you do answer, tell them upfront that you only have 10 minutes, and then you have to do something else. Once the 10 minutes have passed, politely end the conversation and hang up the phone.

You also may need to establish boundaries about calling you at work, showing up at your apartment unannounced, or any other lines your friend appears to cross.

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Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares tips on setting healthy boundaries featuring therapist Nedra Glover Tawwab.

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Practice Self-Care

When you are regularly there for an emotionally draining friend, the best thing you can do for yourself is to counteract the stress you experience from your interactions with positive experiences. If possible, try to do something uplifting and inspiring.

Pick something to ease your stress and get your mind off your friend's troubles. Examples might include:

  • A relaxing bath
  • A good book
  • A massage
  • A funny movie
  • A yoga class
  • A brisk walk

The key is to do something that keeps you from ruminating about your friend's issues or trying to solve their problems. Instead, do something that makes you feel loved and cared for.

You don't want the emotional weight of your recent conversation to darken the rest of your day or your week. You owe it to yourself to ensure you're staying as mentally strong as possible.

Consider Distancing Yourself

Not all friendships last forever and that is OK. If you have come to a point in this friendship where you feel like you are being taken advantage of, and you are putting in more than you're getting out, it may be time to distance yourself from that friend.

It is often best to end the relationship if your friend has toxic qualities or is unsafe for you to be around.

That said, if someone drains you emotionally to the point that your life is unbearable, you need to recognize the possibility that the person is not a good fit for your life right now. If that is the case, it's important that you distance yourself from this friend.

And, if your friend happens to ask you why you no longer hang out, be honest. Gently, let them know that it was hard for you to support them and be a good friend and that it was causing you mental anguish and stress.

Don't blame them for the end of the friendship or make them feel bad for going through a tough time, but instead take ownership of your decisions and your choices.

How to End a Friendship

A Word From Verywell

If you have a friend who is emotionally draining you, be sure you are taking steps to care for your own mental and emotional health. While it's important to be empathetic and compassionate toward others, some people take advantage of this kindness and can wreak havoc on your emotional state.

If this type of friendship sounds familiar, make sure you establish boundaries, practice self-care, and suggest your friend see a counselor. And if you're still having trouble or struggling to take care of yourself because you're always helping others, you, too, may benefit from speaking with a counselor or a therapist.

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Are Your Friends Emotionally Draining You? (2024)


How do you know if a friend is emotionally draining you? ›

Signs of emotionally draining friendships

People who are surrounded by drama, constantly complaining, or are an emotional wreck may be all around you. They are the ones who seem to suck the energy out of you and leave you emotionally drained anytime you talk on the phone or spend time together.

Are your friends emotionally draining? ›

Emotionally Draining Behaviors

Your friend vents to you nonstop or seems to always be in crisis. Your friend never asks how you're doing, takes an interest in your life, or listens when you need to vent. Your friend has an endless list of needs and expectations.

Why is my friend mentally draining me? ›

An overbearing friend could be someone who acts jealous of your other friendships, disrespects your boundaries, or simply leaves you feeling emotionally drained after spending time with them. Healthy friendships are important, but a strained friendship can be salvaged.

Why do I feel emotionally drained after hanging out with friends? ›

Social exhaustion can also be called introvert burnout or introvert hangover. Although it's not a medical diagnosis, it is a valid experience that introverts and extroverts can face. It can be an emotional and physical response to social overstimulation that leaves you feeling drained and exhausted.

Why do my friends drain my energy? ›

“The reasons why some people drain our batteries more than others is to do with a combination of factors, including your personality, the other person's personality, your attachment style and how stressed you're feeling.”

What is an unhealthy friendship? ›

A toxic friendship often feels exhausting, frustrating, and disappointing. It may seem as if the entire dynamic is one-sided. It may also seem like whatever you give just isn't good enough. Toxic friends may be pessimistic, hurtful, or manipulative within the relationship.

How do you know if your friend doesn't value you? ›

Therefore, if you have a friend who never listens to you, it could be that they don't value you as a person. It seems like they always know better what's best for you, so they don't bother to ask for your opinion. They don't take your advice seriously, and they may also ridicule your words and behaviors.

When to end a friendship? ›

Friendships are a source of emotional support and boost our health and well-being. Some signs that it may be time to end a friendship include gossip, manipulation, or disrespecting boundaries. Most friendships drift apart naturally. But sometimes you have to take steps to break up.

How toxic friends affect your mental health? ›

They can affect your sense of self and identity, damage your self-esteem, and even lead to feelings of depression and/or anxiety. "You can be left feeling inadequate, or somehow flawed," she says. "If an important person in your life is always putting you down, you're getting direct criticism.

Why do my friends give me anxiety? ›

Very often the anxiety we feel around other people is a reflection of the way we perceive ourselves. Projection is a common defence mechanism which causes us to take aspects of ourselves (which we find uncomfortable and unsettling) and ascribe them to other people.

What are the physical signs that someone is struggling emotionally? ›

Physical symptoms include:
  • Heaviness in your chest, increased heart rate or chest pain.
  • Shoulder, neck or back pain; general body aches and pains.
  • Headaches.
  • Grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Dizziness.
  • Feeling tired, anxious, depressed.
Dec 29, 2020

What makes someone emotionally drained? ›

Emotional exhaustion is caused by a long period of constant life stress, whether from personal stress at home or stress related to work. What triggers emotional exhaustion differs from person to person. What might be stressful for one person can be completely manageable for another person.

What does being emotionally drained look like? ›

People who are emotionally drained often feel angrier and more irritable than usual. You may start to experience mood swings or find yourself snapping at others. Even minor inconveniences can cause severe frustration. This behavior can damage relationships and lead to social withdrawal.

How do you deal with an emotionally unstable friend? ›

Expressing your concern and support. Reminding your friend or family member that help is available and that mental health problems can be treated. Asking questions, listening to ideas, and being responsive when the topic of mental health problems come up. Reassuring your friend or family member that you care about them.

What does an emotionally drained person look like? ›

An emotionally draining person is typically on the high end of the Neuroticism personality dimension. They're constantly negative, worried, anxious, and nervous. All of us experience these feelings from time to time, but for neurotic personalities, these experiences tend to be sticky.

What is an example of emotionally draining? ›

Emotionally draining people are prone to some bad habits such as making excuses or not taking responsibility for their actions, as well as constantly blaming others for their problems. People who are emotionally drained might seem hard to deal with and they can often have a lot of baggage.


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